Your Gateway to a Decentralized Future
An ERC-4337 compatible smart contract wallet with flexible account abstraction. Download ZooKey wallet to experience a new level of security, convenience and flexibility!
The world is at your fingertips
  • Arbitrum
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Linea
  • MantaNetwork
  • OpBNB
  • Polygon
  • PolygonzkEVM
  • Scroll
  • StarkNet
  • Zeta
  • ZkSync
  • Arbitrum
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Linea
  • MantaNetwork
  • OpBNB
  • Polygon
  • PolygonzkEVM
  • Scroll
  • StarkNet
  • Zeta
  • ZkSync
  • Arbitrum
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Linea
  • MantaNetwork
  • OpBNB
  • Polygon
  • PolygonzkEVM
  • Scroll
  • StarkNet
  • Zeta
  • ZkSync
  • Arbitrum
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Linea
  • MantaNetwork
  • OpBNB
  • Polygon
  • PolygonzkEVM
  • Scroll
  • StarkNet
  • Zeta
  • ZkSync

Swap any crypto across any network

Swap crypto at the best prices across any networks, DEXs, and cross-chain bridges within our transparent and advanced DEX & Bridge aggregator.

Manage your portfolio easily

Providing diversified crypto assets solutions. Self-custody & Smart contract audit, Security is always a priority.

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